Blackhills Diagnostic Resources participates in the PAIP Program

At Blackhills Diagnostic Resources S.L.U., we are committed to advancing and innovating in the industrial sector. We are proud to announce our participation in the PAIP Program (Support for business projects for Transformation and Industrial Development of Aragon, TDI-FEDER Line, within the framework of the 2023 PAIP). This program represents a significant step towards a more competitive and intelligent Europe, driving innovative economic transformation and enhancing regional connectivity with information and communication technologies.

Our goal within this program focuses on R&D&I (Research, Development and Innovation), specifically in action AP01, which promotes investment in R&D&I within the productive fabric of Aragon. Through this initiative, we aim not only to strengthen our innovative capacity but also to contribute to the economic and technological development of our region.

This project is a demonstration of our commitment to technological progress and sustainable development, and we are honored to have the support and co-financing of the European Union. At Blackhills Diagnostic Resources S.L.U., we will continue to work to be pioneers in our field, providing innovative and effective solutions that benefit both our company and our community.